Clean Out Your Bookcases Day Sometimes I get this itch that I can’t exactly explain, but can only be cured by lounging on the couch or under the covers with a good book. I’ll read just about anything, but I do have a fiction quota that has to be met in order for me to remain balanced. I’m a slow and steady reader so, depending on what else is going on in my life, I only read about five to fifteen books a year. I love browsing at the local bookstore, reading book jackets and picking through the new paperbacks. Fortunately, I’m not usually tempted beyond one or two books at a time, and I like to complete any new books before I go out shopping for the next. And when I finish a book I’m usually very good about finding it a new home. #youthicon #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #mentor #personalitydevelopment #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneur #entrepreneur #ruzankhambatta #womenleaders
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