Friday, 30 September 2016
CUT OUT DISSECTION MONTH Cut Out Dissection Month is an annual designation observed in October. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #CUTOUTDISSECTIONMONTH
Navratri Begins Navratri is a nine days festival dedicated to Goddess Durga. Navratri is a Sanskrit word which literally means nine nights. During these nine nights and ten days, Goddess Durga is worshipped in 9 different forms, known as Navdurga. The tenth day is celebrated as Vijayadashami when idols of Goddess Durga are immersed into the water body. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NavratriBegins
World Card Making Day People give each other cards to celebrate birthdays, weddings, achievements and more, as well as to commiserate or support. But how much does your sentiment mean, if it’s simply bought from a retail chain with little thought? Take some time this Card Making Day and create something heartfelt from scratch, and show the recipient that you’ve really thought about them. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldCardMakingDay
National Voluntary Blood Donation Day National Voluntary Blood Donation Day is getting celebrated in India at 1st of October every year to share the need and importance of the blood in the life of an individual. It was first started celebrating on 1st of October in the year 1975 through the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology. Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology was first established at 22nd of October in the year 1971 under the leadership of Mrs. K. Swaroop Krishen and Dr. J.G. Jolly. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NationalVoluntaryBloodDonation Day
INTERNATIONAL MUSIC DAY International Music Day or World Music Day is a concept too good to believe and the best part is that it actually exists. Yes, International Music day or the IMD was initiated on the 1st of October in 1975 by Lord Yehudi Menuhin. It was first organized by the International Music Council on 1st of October, 1975, in accordance with the resolution taken at the 15th General Assembly in Lausanne in 1973. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #INTERNATIONALMUSICDAY
NATIONAL HOMEMADE COOKIES DAY If you are looking for an excuse to bake some homemade cookies, eat some homemade cookies, take homemade cookies to work or to the neighbors, look no further, today, October 1, is the annual celebration of National Homemade Cookies Day. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALHOMEMADECOOKIESDAY
NATIONAL FIRE PUP DAY National Fire Pup Day is celebrated each year on October 1 and is a day designated to recognize our canine firefighters, the four-footed members of the fire department. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALFIREPUPDAY
CD Player Day With the rise of digital downloads, MP3s and integrated media devices in the house and on the move, the humble CD player may become a thing of the past. Get a bit lo-tech, and celebrate CD Player Day by enjoying music from a dedicated CD player, a portable hand-held player, or even a boombox or ghetto-blaster! #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #CDPlayerDay
World Vegetarian Day Whether it’s a moral, dietary, health or lifestyle choice, Vegetarian Day embraces and encourages respect for those who eschew eating meat. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldVegetarianDay
Annie Besant Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933) was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. In 1867, Annie at age 20, married Frank Besant, a clergyman, and they had two children, but Annie's increasingly anti-religious views led to a legal separation in 1873. She then became a prominent speaker for the National Secular Society (NSS) and writer and a close friend of Charles Bradlaugh. In 1877 they were prosecuted for publishing a book by birth control campaigner Charles Knowlton. The scandal made them famous, and Bradlaugh was elected M.P. for Northampton in 1880. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #AnnieBesant
Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti Agrasen Jayanti is the birth anniversary celebrations of a legendary Hindu king Agrasen Maharaj. He was king of Agroha, and it was from him that Agrawal and Agrahari clans originated. Agrasen Jayanti is observed on the fourth day of Ashwin month of Hindu calendar. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #MaharajaAgrasenJayanti
International Day for Elderly People (World Elderly Day) 1st October is celebrated as the International Day for Elderly People each year which was first established at 14th of December in the year 1990 by the United Nations General Assembly. It was started celebrating for the first time on October 1st in the year 1991 to aware the people about issues which affects the elders as well as to appreciate their contribution towards the society. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #InternationalDayforElderlyPeople (WorldElderlyDay)
CHILDREN’S MAGAZINE MONTH ake your kids to the local library to browse magazines like Zoobooks or National Geographic for Kids. Surprise your kids with a subscription to a magazine. Use #Children’sMagazineMonth to post on social media. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #CHILDREN’SMAGAZINEMONTH
CELIAC DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive condition. It is triggered by eating foods containing gluten, which is found in bread, pasta, cookies, and many other foods containing wheat, barley, or rye. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, meaning that it causes the body to produce antibodies that attack its own organs. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India CELIACDISEASEAWARENESSMONTH
(WORLD) BLINDNESS AWARENESS MONTH Blindness Awareness Month was designed to help people understand the realities of living without sight. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #(WORLD)BLINDNESSAWARENESS MONTH
CELEBRATING THE BILINGUAL CHILD MONTH October is Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month. A person who is bilingual knows two or more languages and understand multiple cultures.. This month recognizes bilingual children. These children act as a bridge between multiple cultures. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #CELEBRATINGTHEBILINGUALCHILD MONTH
ANTIDEPRESSANT DEATH AWARENESS MONTH October is Antidepressant Death Awareness Month. It is a month to remember those who have been injured or killed as a result of antidepressant use. Remember to always report any adverse or fatal reactions while taking any drugs to the FDA. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #ANTIDEPRESSANTDEATH AWARENESSMONTH
AMERICAN CHEESE MONTH The goal of American Cheese Month is to spread the word on the variety of American cheeses, as well as to promote the businesses that produce and distribute it. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #AMERICANCHEESEMONTH
AIDS AWARENESS MONTH AIDS Awareness Month is an annual designation that takes place in October. The acronym AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is a late stage of the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV). As of yet, there is no known cure for this ailment, however, some medications can be used to improve the quality and length of life. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #AIDSAWARENESSMONTH
ADOPT A SHELTER DOG MONTH October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) sponsors this event to promote the adoption of dogs from local shelters. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #ADOPTASHELTERDOGMONTH
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Since the adoption of wearing a pink ribbon by breast cancer survivors running in the 1990 New York marathon and the subsequent formation of a charity which aims to give 90% of the money it raises to the support of scientific research and public awareness of the disease, millions of dollars have ben donated. The New York based charity Pink Ribbon Inc. promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month where like-minded, affiliated international groups participate in fund raising using the pink ribbon motif #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
Pizza Month Whilst Pizza Month might be a great excuse to have 30 days of back-to-back pizza with all the trimmings, it’s probably not the best plan for watching your waistline! Enjoy responsibly, and spend the month sampling different types of pizza (in moderation)! #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #PizzaMonth
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Thanks to PoliceHEART - 1091 Team for doing a wonderful work and safely rescue the women. We are happy to share with you story about that women. #Policeheart #Policeheart1091 #AhmedabadPolice #SuraksaSetu#GujaratPolice #india #WomenPolice #Police #Ahmedabad #City#CityPolice #PoliceHEARTDiary #Story #Diary #Women#Safelyrescuewomen #Womensafely #WomenStory #Counseling
NATIONAL HOT MULLED CIDER DAY Since the fall season has arrived, there is a little chill in the evening air, the trees are turning beautiful fall colors and leaves are starting to drop from the branches, it is the perfect time to celebrate National Hot Mulled Cider Day. Join along with the thousands of others that celebrate National Hot Mulled Cider Day each year on September 30. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALHOTMULLEDCIDERDAY
NATIONAL CHEWING GUM Day Gum chewers across the nation celebrate National Chewing Gum Day each year on September 30. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALCHEWINGGUMDay
International Translation Day Launched in 1953, International Translation Day is a relatively recent entry into the calendar of world events. Established by the International Federation of Translators, the annual celebration is an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of translators who endeavour to make the world a slightly smaller place by breaking down language barriers and allowing great literature to be enjoyed far more widely. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #InternationalTranslationDay
Mud Pack Day Make yourself beautiful for Mud Pack Day by plastering your face and skin with (safe, ‘clean’) mud! Keep you skin supple, your pores clear and your face looking youthful and clean – just don’t forget to wash the mud off! #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #MudPackDay
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Thanks to PoliceHEART - 1091 Team for doing a wonderful work and safely rescue the women. We are happy to share with you story about that women. #Policeheart #Policeheart1091 #AhmedabadPolice #SuraksaSetu#GujaratPolice #india #WomenPolice #Police #Ahmedabad #City#CityPolice #PoliceHEARTDiary #Story #Diary #Women#Safelyrescuewomen #Womensafely #WomenStory #Counseling
Thanks to PoliceHEART - 1091 Team for doing a wonderful work and safely rescue the women. We are happy to share with you story about that women. #Policeheart #Policeheart1091 #AhmedabadPolice #SuraksaSetu#GujaratPolice #india #WomenPolice #Police #Ahmedabad #City#CityPolice #PoliceHEARTDiary #Story #Diary #Women#Safelyrescuewomen #Womensafely #WomenStory #Counseling
World Heart Day Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and well being of people the world over. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldHeartDay
International Coffee Day Coffee in the morning; coffee and a catch up with old friends; going for coffee with your new hot date – we drink coffee morning, day and night with friends, business associates and lovers. You have only to walk down the nearest high street and note the number of coffee chains to realise the extent of our love affair with our favourite caffeinated beverage. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #InternationalCoffeeDay
NATIONAL ATTEND YOUR GRANDCHILD’S BIRTH DAY National Attend Your Grandchild’s Birth Day is celebrated annually September 29. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALATTENDYOUR GRANDCHILD’SBIRTHDAY
NATIONAL VFW DAY (USA) National VFW Day is celebrated annually on September 29. This day is devoted to the VFW organization and it’s members who have served our nation. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALVFWDAY(USA)
INVENTORS DAY As the name suggests, Inventors' Day is a day to celebrate the contributions of all geniuses and their contributions in making our lives easier. Imagine, where we would be if someone hadn't invented the light-bulb, the camera, or even the computer for that matter. So a special day indeed to thank some greats for their courage to think beyond their times, to give us the lives we lead today. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #INVENTORSDAY
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
World Rabies Day World Rabies Day is an international campaign coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, a non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States and the United Kingdom. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldRabiesDay
Good Neighbor Day Neighbors are an integral part of our social lives – whether at home or at work. Good Neighbor Day on September 28 is an annual holiday that promotes neighborliness and niceness towards people who surround us. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #GoodNeighborDay
World Rabies Day World Rabies Day is an international campaign coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, a non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States and the United Kingdom. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldRabiesDay
NATIONAL WOMEN’S HEALTH & FITNESS DAY Celebrated on the last Wednesday in September, National Women’s Health & Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotion event for women of all ages. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALWOMEN’SHEALTH&FITNESSDAY
Ask a Stupid Question Day Ask a Stupid Question Day is a holiday that is sometimes celebrated in the United States, usually by school students and teachers. Although Ask a Stupid Question Day's default date is September 28, in practice it is usually observed on the last school day of September. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #AskaStupidQuestionDay
Drink Beer Day Raise a glass of your favourite ale or lager and celebrate Drink Beer Day! One of the oldest man-made beverages in history, beer has been produced since the Neolithic Era with some breweries dating back as far as 1040. It is little wonder why drinking beer has come to be such a popular and entertaining activity. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #DrinkBeerDay
NATIONAL STRAWBERRY CREAM PIE DAY National Strawberry Cream Pie is celebrated each year on September 28. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India # NATIONALSTRAWBERRYCREAMPIEDAY
Monday, 26 September 2016
Thanks to PoliceHEART - 1091 Team for doing a wonderful work and safely rescue the women. We are happy to share with you story about that women. #Policeheart #Policeheart1091 #AhmedabadPolice #SuraksaSetu#GujaratPolice #india #WomenPolice #Police #Ahmedabad #City#CityPolice #PoliceHEARTDiary #Story #Diary #Women#Safelyrescuewomen #Womensafely #WomenStory #Counseling
World Tourism Day There’s nothing quite as frustrating as tourists, right? Busy streets, jostling crowds and endless questions about directions are enough to drive you mad, but it’s important to recognise the importance of tourists and tourism on a local economy. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #WorldTourismDay
NATIONAL CORNED BEEF HASH DAY Making corned beef hash is a great way to use up leftovers and eating corned beef hash is a great way to celebrate National Corned Beef Hash Day which is celebrated annually on September 27. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALCORNEDBEEFHASHDAY
NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MILK DAY Pour yourself a tall glass of cold and frothy chocolate milk and join the celebration of National Chocolate Milk Day which is held each year on September 27. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #NATIONALCHOCOLATEMILKDAY
Crush a Can Day You know you want to, so don’t hold back when it comes to squashing those cans on Crush a Can Day. Not only does this day give you the opportunity of crushing, squeezing and bending cans into satisfyingly small shapes, it’s also a chance to share can compression fun with family and friends. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #CrushaCanDay
Ancestor Appreciation Day Many of us are completely unaware of our ancestors and the lives they lived, yet they almost certainly went a long way towards shaping our habits, traditions and values today. Fortunately, the annually-celebrated Ancestor Appreciation Day gives people a reminder to learn more about those who came before us. #RuzanKhambatta #Day #specialcelebration #PoliceHEART1091 #PoliceHEART #Entrepreneur #Celebrate #WorldDay #National #NationalDay #InternationalDay #International #UN #US #SpecialDay #India #AncestorAppreciationDay
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